

Do (Any) Bonsai Trees Bloom?

Do bonsai trees bloom?Bonsai trees can bloom even when they are planted in tiny pots, and many of them produce flowers u...

Secrets of Flowering Bonsai Trees: Mastering Process and Factors

Understanding the process of flowering and its influencing factors is essential for bonsai growers like you because it e...

Suiseki Stones: Surprising Connection with Bonsai

Suiseki: the Japanese viewing stoneDefinition of SuisekiSuiseki is the art of appreciating an individual stone, which re...

The Science of Bonsai Tree Growth

Essential Requirements for Bonsai Tree GrowthBonsai trees, like all other plants, need the following key elements to gro...

Beyond Trees: Can You Make Bonsai From Any Plant?

Bonsai does not have to be trees.  While tree bonsai is more prevalent, there is another type of bonsai that focuses on ...

How Much?: Normal Bonsai Tree Price

The price of a bonsai tree can vary greatly from very affordable to extremely expensive.In general, prices for normal co...

Tiny but rare: the world’s unique bonsai trees

We are all so remarkably attracted to rarity.Rarity in bonsai can manifest in various forms, such as the scarcity of cer...

Bonsai: An Expensive hobby?

For those who are new to the hobby of growing bonsai, one of the first questions that come to mind might be whether it i...

Why expensive? The Secret Behind Bonsai’s Price

You might be wondering why miniature trees like bonsai are often so expensive.There are a few reasons why bonsai trees b...

Bonsai Identification Guide: How To Tell

Whether you have been gifted a bonsai tree or have recently acquired one, it's important to know the type of tree you ha...
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