Care & Tools

Front And Back: A Guide For Positioning Bonsai

The front side of a bonsai tree is the side that looks most aesthetically pleasing from the viewing angle.  It is import...
Care & Tools

Alternative Containers for Bonsai: 8 Unique Ideas

A bonsai tree does not need a special pot.  Some of the alternative containers for bonsai include stone and rock, wooden...

Reusing Bonsai Soil: Is It Doable?

You can reuse bonsai soil as long as it is still in good condition and has not degraded yet.  Common bonsai soils have a...

The Best Bonsai Fertilizers To Buy: An Expert Guide

When choosing a fertilizer for your bonsai trees, it's important to consider the nutrient content, species-specific requ...

Bonsai Organic Fertilizer: Pros, Cons, and How-Tos

Organic fertilizers have several advantages for bonsai cultivation, such as the slow release of nutrients, the improveme...

Fertilizing Bonsai: Step-by-Step Guide for Optimal Growth

There are three methods for fertilizing bonsai trees: 1) adding organic matter to the soil, 2) top dressing with solid f...

Over or Under Fed Bonsai: How to Monitor/Fix Fertilization

Bonsai trees can be over- or under-fertilized.  To keep track of fertilization-related issues, pay attention to changes ...

Bonsai Fertilizer: The Ultimate Guide

When it comes to bonsai fertilizer, you have to make a lot of choices and you might be wondering which one is the best f...

How Much?: Normal Bonsai Tree Price

The price of a bonsai tree can vary greatly from very affordable to extremely expensive. In general, prices for normal c...

Tiny but rare: the world’s unique bonsai trees

We are all so remarkably attracted to rarity. Rarity in bonsai can manifest in various forms, such as the scarcity of ce...
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