

Why Japanese Maple Leaves Turning Green?

Red-leaf Japanese maples turn green if they are delayed greening species, are grown from seeds, experience very hot weat...
Care & Tools

How To Shape Japanese Maple Seedlings

Before styling Japanese maple seedlingsRepottingNew Japanese maple seedlings need to be repotted twice in the first year...
Care & Tools

Japanese Maple Seedlings Care: The Ultimate Guide

Taking care of Japanese maple seedlings might feel daunting but it is not.Keep the seedlings outside in a sunny, well-dr...

How To Identify A Maple And A Japanese Maple

There are several ways to tell the difference between Japanese, red and sugar maples, but observing their leaf shape is ...

Why is my Japanese maple bonsai not turning red?

In fall, we usually see a natural art show when Japanese maple leaves begin to change from green to yellow and then into...

Can Any Maple Tree Be A Bonsai?

Can any maple tree be a bonsai?Any maple tree that fits certain desirable bonsai features such as having tiny leaves and...
Care & Tools

Choosing A Good Japanese Maple Bonsai

There are a few things to look for when choosing a good Japanese maple bonsai.As a general rule, you should get a Japane...
Care & Tools

Why Is My Japanese Maple Bonsai Dying? (things you should know)

Japanese maples are relatively strong species and easy to grow as bonsai but you may notice your tree dying and wonder w...

The Best Japanese Maple for Bonsai (and more)

There are numerous varieties of Japanese maples and you might be wondering which is the best for making bonsai.Kotohime ...

Can A Japanese Maple Live Indoors?

Japanese maple has very beautiful bright green leaves in summer, which turn red in fall.  This is why many people love t...
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